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Residential Geothermal Energy Systems for Heating and Cooling

Comfort That Gives Back

A geothermal heat pump is the greenest, most efficient, and most cost-effective heating & cooling system available. That’s because it uses the free renewable solar energy stored in your backyard rather than burning fossil fuels. But what’s really impressive is the level of comfort it provides. Our systems operate for longer periods at lower speeds, making the home consistently comfortable all year round. You have to experience it to believe it.

How does geothermal work?

No matter what climate you live in, the temperature throughout the year varies. For some climates that means blazing summers that cool to frigid winters. What many people don’t realize is that the temperature below ground (regardless of climate or season) stays fairly consistent all year. While air temperatures can vary greatly from day to night or winter to summer, the temperature just a few feet below the earth’s surface stays an average 55°-70°F year-round.

  • Pond/Lake Loops

    If an adequately sized body of water is close to your home, a pond loop can be installed. A series of coiled, closed loops are sunk to the bottom of the body of water. A 1/2 acre, 8-foot-deep pond is usually sufficient for the average home.

  • Horizontal Loops

    Used where adequate land is available, horizontal loops involve one or more trenches that are dug using a backhoe or chain trencher. High density polyethylene pipes are inserted, and the trenches are backfilled. A typical home requires 1/4 to 3/4 of an acre for the trenches.

  • Vertical Loops

    Vertical loops are used when space is limited. Holes are bored using a drilling rig, and a pair of pipes with special u-bend fittings is inserted into the holes. A typical home requires three to five bores with about a 15-foot separation between the holes.

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